Yoga Hope: The Edges of a New Dawn with Rose Russo
Saturday, April 5, 2025 1-2:30pm By Donation
The flowering of your heart..are you ready to bloom?
Winter is behind us and now we face the light. Our deep internal work is opening to the fruits of your winter "labor" to give birth to the flowering of your heart and soul. It's a yearly ritual of moving from the "bear cave" back into the world of the "open".
What path are you on? What seeds are you planting? What weeds are you pulling? What are you unearthing?
Bring your journal and pen! We will talk about flowering from a place of darkness to the light.
“ be one in heart is better than being one in tongue” ~Rumi
Offered both in-person and online. Zoom link will be sent to all registered students day of workshop. Registration Required. Please register in advance before April 2nd! Questions, call Rose: 978-835-1262. By Donation