New Student Special

3 Weeks of Yoga for $59

New Student Special

3 Weeks of Yoga for $59

New Student Special

3 Weeks of Yoga for $59

Adult Classes

Roots to Wings Yoga and Healing Center offers a full spectrum of classes which are tailored to the individual needs of the student.  At Roots To Wings we offer a more healing approach to yoga. All classes are on a drop-in basis. RTW teachers are trained in the use of yoga props: belts, blocks, bolsters, chairs and blankets. These props can assist any type of body to assume all yoga poses with comfort and the right degree of challenge. All classes include breath awareness and relaxation. Classes may also include energy yoga. Energy Yoga begins the process of becoming aware of and then opening blocked energy patterns in our body. As we begin to open and balance the energy channels and systems, we feel better not only physically but are better able to manage and control our negative thoughts and feelings. Over time and with consistent practice we can achieve strong physical health, happy and open hearts and peaceful and quiet minds.

For more information about the right class to begin your practice please see Class Schedule and Descriptions.

If you would like more information about our classes and service offerings, please contact us.