Mirabai Devi is available for private sessions at Roots to Wings. In a private session, Mirabai channels the Divine Light and uses her intuitive healing gifts and abilities to facilitate a profound experience for you. Her work enables you to cleanse, heal and release that which no longer serves you, as long as you are ready to release it. Private sessions are available in-person at Roots To Wings. In these sessions, Mirabai will help you to reveal, transform, transmute, and heal any causal issues in your life, including helping you with health challenges, spiritual awakening, communication and contact with loved ones, receiving abundance, and/or any intention you need help manifesting.
Mirabai does her work through Lightwork, energy work, personal process work, intuitive readings, mediumship work, guidance and personal mentorship during sessions. She has the ability to put you into higher states of consciousness and lead you through the steps to self-realization. Mirabai is an inter-dimensional guide and a new paradigm Spiritual Teacher.
For more information or to book a session contact Mirabai Devi Office: (760) 216-1029 or info@mirabaidevi.org.
Dates: September 25 & 26